Saturday, November 20, 2021

New Way to contact the club!

 We know. Put your e-mail out in public these days and you'll start hearing about the police wanting to confiscate your Microsoft account, or asking about your social security number. Makes it hard for us to communicate. You should have a copy of the club directory, maintained by Barbara Ding. But you can now send a note to the club using the following new e-mail account: 

Click on it and try it now, so I can see how it works. And tuck it away in your address book. 

If you're not writing from your Mama's basement, and don't talk about something besides fishing, we'll get back to you as soon as possible. Fish pictures and reasonaby truthful fishing reports encouraged; nothing too dirty and nothing political. 

Just remember we're retired, nap a lot, and may be out fishing. 

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