Monday, May 22, 2017

Boyd finally filling; new inlet canal is toast

Water from Horseshoe Reservoir finally began flowing into the Boyd Marina inlet Sunday - and blasted a gaping hole in the new gizmo carrying water under the road into Boyd.

Water is now pouring into Boyd from the newly dug channel and the old one.  Anglers were already lined up on both sides of the inlet waiting for action Monday, but foul weather limited success.

Combat fishermen started lining the irrigation canal leading into Horseshoe at the junction of Monroe and 40th Street earlier last week.

Okay, seemed like a good idea... At the first sign of water from Horseshoe, the new inlet pond into Boyd parted like a remake of Moses and the Red Sea.  Photo by Bill Prater

Friday, May 19, 2017

Volunteers needed to help with fishing gear Wednesday, May 31

The Loveland Police Fishing Derby is right around the corner, June 3, and Jim Visger's needing help with the poles we loan out to tiny anglers.

We need about eight volunteers to help get loaner poles ready.  Meet at 10:30 a.m. at the club's storage shed in the Colorado Parks and Wildlife facility at Lon Hagler (fenced in building on the left as you drive toward the reservoir).

Contact Jim at; 970-800-3399.