Friday, January 5, 2024

First big ice fishing trip of the season!

Okay, if the weather turns icy we'll likely stay home and watch fishing shows. But for now some of the club's legendary ice fishing clan plans a Wednesday, Jan. 10th outing to a top secret lake about two hours west of Loveland.

Okay, it's Meadow Creek, a gorgeous, mostly private but kinda public lake a few miles west of the Moose Visitor Center on Highway 14. Not to brag, or oversell the trip, but we caught some nice trout there last fall. All but a few of them escaped back into the lake unscathed.

Interested? Drop me a text at 970-988-9174. We'll set up a definite time and work out carpooling in a few days. If you need gear, we can work it out. Just let us know. Bill

1 comment:

  1. How is it kinda public? What part of the lake has public access?


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