Sunday, July 21, 2024

Get ready for the club's annual picnic - Tuesday, Aug. 20 at Old Fairgrounds Park


    The annual club picnic, culinary highlight of the Club's summer season, will be held at 2 p.m. on Thursday, Aug. 20 at the pavilion in Old Fairgrounds Park in Loveland. The event has been a popular club mainstay since its inception two decades ago (when it was moved into Tom and Sheila Miller's garage because of rain. We were a bit smaller club in those days.)

    Here's what you need to know:
    • If you've not signed up yet, or have questions, ASAP (As Soon As Possible!) please contact Carol Orswell 657-247-8204, or Wayne Baranczyk, 443-326-2310. They're planning how much food and drink we'll need.
    • The club will provide the main dish, chicken, along with water and lemonade.
    • Bring a side dish of your choice to share!  
    • The picnic is free to individual members and couples who've paid for family membership. Others are welcome, at $5 each to defray the cost of their meal.

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