Sunday, September 1, 2024

Time to volunteer: Senior Derby will be Wednesday, Sept. 11

The Loveland Fishing Club's annual Senior Fishing Derby, that special thing we've been doing since 2011 with Loveland area assisted living centers, will be held from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Wednesday, Sept. 11th at Flatiron Reservoir. Bob Dierkes, chair of this year's event, has things in good shape but he's hoping for more confirmed volunteers.

So if you plan to participate, and haven't signed up yet, please contact Bob at 970-819-2349 or "We can always use more help as fishing guides and servers or general helpers," Bob says.

At this point about a dozen facilities plan to attend, which means we'll likely have about 50 guests along with staff assistants. The club covers the cost of fishing licenses and admission to the Larimer County Parks facility, provides the equipment and bait and finishes the day with a picnic. 

This is always a joyful event, but this will be the first year the club has held the derby without the presence of the late Ray Park, who led the creation of the derby as club President in 2011. 

To help make the event another success, Colorado Parks and Wildlife plans to make its fall trout stocking in the lake a few days before the 11th. New this year, the Bureau of Reclamation, which controls water flow into and out of Flatiron, has committed to stabilize the water level the day of the event. It promises to solve a vexing issue, a muddy shoreline as the water comes up or down during the generation of electricity from the Bureau's power plant. 

Bob and a few helpers will be at Flatiron about 6:30 a.m. to get the coffee brewing and start setting up. Others please plan on getting to the lake by 7 or 7:30 a.m. 

This is easily one of the finest things we do as a club, and always a fun, memorable experience. Join us!

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